24 Luty 2012
Ten wieczor byl wyjatkowy dla wielu Polakow mieszkajacych w Metro Detroit. Goscilismy w PNA slynny polski zespol FEEL. Dla osob, ktore nie wiedza PNA miesci sie w Hamtramck i nasz Dom Zwiazkowy jest znany calej Polonii z organizowanych tu imprez i koncertow. Koncert ten byl poprzedzony solowym wystepem rapera DZEJO, ktory byl niesamowity i napewno zdobyl kolejnych fanow. Popis swoj pokazala tez MAGDA, ktorej piekny glos rozbrzmiewal po calej sali. Niestety nie udalo jej sie poderwac rodakow do tanca, moze tez dlatego, ze wszyscy z niecierpliwoscia czekali na FEEL. Mielismy tez okazje zobaczyc wystep Marcina Kindle. Zapowiadany Sebastian Riedel zaniemogl, jego kregoslup odmowil posluszenstwa i dlatego nie byl w stanie wystapic dla publicznosci w Detroit. Domyslam sie, ze to przez dluga droge, jaka artysci musieli przemierzyc samochodem z Nowego Jorku do Detroit.
Chcialabym zwrocic szczegolna uwage na sponsorow, dzieki ktorym mielismy okazje posluchac dobrej muzyki. Wielkie wyroznienie nalezy sie dla KOZI VODKA, ktory byl glownym sponsorem. Oprocz tego BLUE TONE, COCO SPA, SRODEK'S, ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, ROLCO SPORTS NETWORK, ANDRZEJ CONTRACTING COMPANY, ALPHA NEUROCIENCE INSTITUTE, PAPERIE DESIGN STUDIO, WEDDING VIDEO i jak zawsze nasza niezawodna PAC- FEDERAL CREDIT UNION. Bez wsparcia naszych sponsorow wiele imprez kulturalnych a takze wystepu zespolu FEEL by tu nie bylo. Podkreslam to dlatego, aby inne polskie biznesy braly przyklad i chociaz troche walczyly o podtrzymywanie naszej polskosci, a co sie z tym wiaze, promowali polska kulture, szczegolnie dla mlodego pokolenia.
Czesc naszej paczki. Tym razem Jarek zaszczycil nas swoja obecnoscia, a ci co nie dotarli niech zaluja
Karol Koziarz robil swietna robote jako DJ
Rafal Nowakowski z Telewizji Detroit, organizator koncertu, na scenie razem z wlascicielami Domu Zwiazkowego PNA
Rapper Dzejo
Magda Kaminski
Prosze Panstwa a teraz przed nami zespol FEEL.
Wiecej na temat zespolu i ich trasy koncertowej po USA mozna poczytac na ich stronie internetowej:
Piotr Kupicha, ktory ostatnio zostal laureatem plebiscytu "Gwiazdy Dobroczynnosci". Zobaczcie sami:
VIDEO: A Gdy Jest Juz Ciemno
Marzenka kupila debiutancka plyte "Pisze" naszego artysty ze Sterling Heights, Dzejo.
Mozna posluchac jego muze na:
Plyta do nabycia na stronie internetowej Telewizji Detroit:
March 6, 2012
Kilka dni temu otrzymalam ponizszy artykul odnosnie koncertu, wiec dziele sie nim z moimi czytelnikami.
“Feel” Connects With American Tour
By Raymond Rolak
HAMTRAMCK-- After a standing room only concert here at
the PNA Concert Hall on Conant Avenue, the rock-pop band FEEL from Katowice,
Poland had to rush off to play a gig in Chicago. The entourage took the train from Detroit to
Chicago the next day to play The Club in Burbank, Illinois.
After their Detroit performance and
during post concert mingling, FEEL was gracious and signed CD’s
and posters for their supporters. With a
few piwa’s to re-hydrate, most of the
accolades were primarily in Polish. Some
of the band members knew that Techno-Music
had its roots and history founded in Detroit and that subject was fondly
The PNA Concert Hall in Hamtramck rocked
as lead vocalist Piotr Kupicha wowed
with an over two hour set and energized his audience while interfacing with the
crowd. It was obvious that his on-stage
presence connected with an all-age audience as FEEL went through their
repertoire of Polish hit songs.
The evening was a Polish musical showcase
as local Polish-American rapper Dzejo
started with a warm-up set and then Magda
Kaminski got things really moving along.
Kaminski did a few numbers from her CD, “This is Me.” The venue lent a good platform as Marcin Kindla showed off his warm but
powerful vocals with some softer stylings.
He also really connected with the primarily Polish crowd that rushed in to
be front and center of the stage.
The presentations started late so the
audience was eager. Emcee Rafal Nowakowski
kept everyone informed and anticipation ebbed and flowed. When FEEL finally hit the stage, one could feel the good vibes in the room starting
to generate. FEEL worked without a
break and Kupicha had the audience wanting more as he did a couple of interaction
numbers. The group sang all their
popular Polish radio hits with two encores.
Before the concert Kupicha told me music
was in his in his heritage as his grandfather, also Piotr, was a professional
musician in Silesia. “Dzia-Dzia was a violinist,” he said in
broken English. “So strings are in my
bloodline,” he added smiling. He laughed
even more with my broken Polish and the band members giggled with halting sign
language augmentations. There was no
barrier with communication though and we talked a bit about the international
language of music. “Music is the global
ambassador, I agree,” added the talented songwriter. Polish native Anya Nowakowski helped with the
tougher translations and in depth questions.
She was laughing with enthusiasm also.
Idioms sometimes don’t get translated well.
While relaxing in the ready room Kupicha
had questions about the Detroit Red Wings as most of the group knew about the
local long time NHL ice-hockey success of this area. Group spokesman, Wojtek Grzesiok, told of the
time a few years ago that former Polish hockey star Mariusz Czerkawski got
Kupicha to play in a celebrity ice-hockey game in Poland. “No one expected Piotr to be so fast,” added
Grzesiok. “Just like on the guitar,
Piotr skated fast.”
In one of Kupicha’s songs he reached the
audience with a soft staccato feel, “Listen-Listen,” he sang in Polish. It was colorful and touching to the audience. Offerings from their new CD “Feel-3”
were front and center throughout the sets. An old favorite, "And When the Dusk Comes" got the crowd really moving (A
gdy jest już ciemno).
Grzesiok said they had been looking
forward to the Detroit date as it was the first time for FEEL to play in this area. After this performance it won’t be the last. The only wrinkle in the evening was that the
very popular Sebastian Riedel popped a disk in his back and was trying to
recuperate at the band’s hotel. He
wasn’t able to perform in Chicago either.
Local music promoters from Telewizja-Detroit and Kozi Vodka had the small concert ballroom
set just right. Co-producer Tomasz
Czuprynski said, “This is a great location and with this response we will do it
again here.”
Hamtramck sausage provider Srodek’s set the post concert feed-bag
for the band. The smoked kielbasa and pierogi offerings were well received. On this tour, FEEL had previously
played in New Britain, Connecticut; Brooklyn, New York; and Passaic, New
FEEL- Piotr
Kupicha– Lead Vocals and Guitar, Łukasz Kożuch– Keyboard, Michał Nowak– Bass,
Michał Opaliński– Percussion, Paweł Pawłowski- Guitar
Adamski contributed
Courtesy of
Serdecznie dziekujemy za sliczne zdiecia!!! dziekujemy tez za wziecie udzialu! pozdrawiam
ReplyDeleteMagda Kaminski